Data Collection & Advocacy
Holistic, accurate representation of queer St. Louisan lives.
LGBTQIA+ populations are underrepresented and undervalued in research. SQSH uses long-term call data to identify community needs and advocate for LGBTQIA+ concerns among policymakers and service providers. The data we collect confidentially and consensually allows holistic, accurate representation of queer St. Louisan lives.

Learn from Our Helpline Call Data
As the only group systematically collecting qualitative, holistic data on the lives of queer St. Louisans, we offer a much-needed evidence-based assessment of the local queer population.
If you’d like to receive a presentation on our needs assessment data, request for call data on particular topics, or better understand the needs of the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community, request a data presentation from SQSH!

Housing Data Reports
Housing is, without question, a queer issue. Queer and trans youth are more likely to end up unhoused due to rejection by their bio-legal families. The resource landscape in St. Louis is scarce for our queer (especially trans) unhoused and housing insecure siblings.
In January 2021, we analyzed all of our helpline calls related to housing issues (200+ calls logged including STL Mutual Aid calls) and provided a housing data presentation to the St. Louis Continuum of Care. Check out our presentation to better understand the specific housing needs and barriers faced by queer and trans St. Louisans.
In August 2023, we analyzed our helpline calls related to housing issues again, and partnered with THISTL and EHOC to publish a report called TRANSforming Fair Housing in St. Louis. Read the report to hear trans St. Louisans’ experiences of housing discrimination and learn about new legal protections for the LGBTQ+ community.