Our Impact

Since founding, SQSH has mobilized 100+ volunteers, taken 200+ calls, and trained 30+ peer counselors and 20+ partner organizations. We hope to build up our capacity, sharpen our political strategy, and strengthen our programming in the next 5-10 years.

Gender- and sexuality-based oppression is rooted in cis-heteronormative cultural attitudes, entrenched in policy and structures maintained by people in power.

  • For example, trans shelter residents are often misgendered or misplaced because of cisnormative policies that house residents according to their gender marker. Shelters normalize such policies because trans residents often lack the power to make their concerns heard.

Instead of applying band-aid solutions to symptoms of injustice, SQSH’s work:

  • strengthens the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community through peer support and skill-building,

  • reduces queer St. Louisans’ barriers to accessing resources through our resource database,

  • amplifies LGBTQIA+ priorities in the region through data collection and advocacy, and

  • creates a shared vision for queer liberation through community education and partnerships.

Read our 2019-2020 Annual Report

2020 was a year of enormous challenge and growth for SQSH. Learn about our accomplishments, struggles, history, vision for queer liberation, program outcomes, key personnel, organizational structure, finances, and ways you can get involved.

Media Appearances

If you are a press or media representative with an inquiry for SQSH, please fill out our Media Inquiry form!