Frequently Asked Questions
Learn the ins and outs of SQSH – our organization, programs, and more.
We are happy to answer your questions about SQSH. If you have questions after reading our FAQ, please email the relevant staff member(s) listed on the Our Team page or fill out a General Contact Form. We'll get in touch with you within 1-2 weeks.

Our Organization
What does the name SQSH mean?
"SQSH" stands for St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline. The acronym is pronounced as "squish", a reference to both the aromatic/asexual term for queer-platonic relationships and the feeling of being wrapped in a hug.
We acknowledge that the word “queer” can be a pejorative term for many members of our community, especially older adults, and is a term with a history of hatred and pain. We commonly refer to our organization by shorthand as “SQSH” instead, and welcome you to use terms relating to gender and sexuality for yourself that feel most empowering for you.
What does SQSH do?
We are a community-based, grassroots non-profit focused on providing spaces and support for queer St. Louisans to lead fulfilling lives. Our Peer Support Helpline provides free, confidential, and identity-affirming emotional support and resource referrals for LGBTQIA+ individuals, friends, family members, allies, and service providers. Our trained Helpline Volunteers provide short-term peer counseling over-the-phone when you call in.
What is SQSH's approach to understanding intersectional oppression?
We believe that the members of our community who face the most marginalization and least support are those of us holding multiple marginalized identities. As such, we aim to be an intersectional resource.
- Our volunteers strive to affirm, recognize and uplift all members of our community, especially queer and trans people of color (QTPOC), low-income, disabled, intersex, asexual/aromantic, non-binary folx and other communities living under intersecting layers of oppression.
- Our logo intentionally includes not only rainbow colors, but also the colors of the trans flag (light blue, pink, white), and the colors of the QPOC-inclusive Pride Flag (brown, black).
We always have a long way to go to undo internalized oppression. If you have any feedback about the inclusiveness or effectiveness of our organization, we are always open to hearing it via our General Contact Form.
How is SQSH funded?
We started this organization in 2019 using an initial $5,000 Civic Scholars grant from Washington University's Gephardt Institute for Civic & Community Engagement. In our first year, we were sustained by the following major funding streams: a $2,500 Mini Grant from the St. Louis Area Violence Prevention Commission, $1,900 from our 2019 Facebook Fundraiser, $400 from our 2019 Benefit Show by C U Next Tuesday, and $9,760 from our 2020 Fundraiser.
We continue to sustain this organization through a mixture of individual donations, fundraisers, grants, and awards. We spend our funds on training, rent, technology, staff salary, volunteer support, insurance, outreach, marketing, and more. We aim to publish annual financial reports to be fully transparent with our income and expenses. If you value the work we do, please consider making a donation to keep SQSH going. Any amount is welcome and equally appreciated.
Where is SQSH located?
SQSH is housed at a confidential location in order to protect the safety and privacy of our volunteers and callers. We thank you for understanding our unique needs as a LGBTQIA-specific organization. To send us a check or in-kind donation, please send all mail and packages to: PO Box 184, 561 Kingsland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63130.
How can I get more involved with SQSH?
We welcome all queer St. Louisans and allies to get involved with SQSH by volunteering or interning, making a donation, or partnering with SQSH.
I'm with the press/media. How can I get in touch with SQSH?
Since its founding in 2019, SQSH has been represented in the media by STL Mag, Fox 2 St. Louis, and more. If you are interested in featuring SQSH in the press or media, please fill out our Media Inquiry Form and our staff will get in touch with you within 1-2 weeks.
What if I have a general question for SQSH?
Please fill out our General Contact Form. Our staff will get in touch with you within 1-2 weeks.

Our Helpline
If I don't identify as LGBTQIA+ or queer, can I still call?
Yes! Anyone of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression can call to receive identity-affirming peer support. Friends, family members, allies, and service providers are also welcome to call about LGBTQIA+ issues and/or how they can best support the queer people in their lives.
Who will I speak with when I call?
SQSH volunteers are St. Louis area community members. Each Helpline Volunteer receives 48+ hours of training focused on peer counseling, LGBTQIA+ cultural humility, anti-racism, relationship and sexual violence, substance use, and more. SQSH volunteers are not licensed mental health professionals. Read more about our Helpline Curriculum.
I have phone anxiety. Can I still call?
Absolutely! We understand that it can be difficult to share about your life with a stranger over the phone. Our Helpline Volunteers fully appreciate the mental effort it takes to pick up the phone and call, and will cherish any amount of time they get to speak with you. We welcome you to share as much or as little as you'd like when you call.
Can I call SQSH more than once?
Absolutely! While we are not a long-term professional mental healthcare service, our Helpline Volunteers would be happy to chat with you any number of times. Since we do not keep ongoing case notes, please do not expect the Helpline Volunteer to have knowledge of your previous conversation(s) when you call.
Do you take calls from youth (callers under 18 years of age)?
Yes! SQSH does not have any age restrictions and anyone can call. Our Helpline Volunteers adopt a caller-led approach and explore issues at the caller's pace, regardless of their age or fluency with LGBTQIA+ issues. However, we would redirect crisis calls (especially from young callers) to other Hotlines listed on our Resources page, as our Helpline Volunteers are not trained in crisis intervention. Otherwise, SQSH welcomes calls from young callers to chat about anything, LGBTQIA-related or not.
Can I call SQSH's Helpline even if I don't live/work in or call from St. Louis?
Yes! While we focus on serving the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community, we take calls from anywhere and will never turn down a caller for calling from outside of St. Louis. We do familiarize our volunteers first and foremost with St. Louis resources, so if you are looking for resource referrals outside of St. Louis, please be patient with us; our volunteers may collaboratively look up resources with you on the line.
What should I do if I know someone working on your Helpline and don't want to talk to them?
There will usually be at least two Helpline Volunteers on call at the same time. If you call and know the volunteer who answers, you can always ask to talk to the other volunteer on shift. We prioritize your comfort level and would be happy to make the switch.

What does LGBTQIA+ mean?
LGBTQIA stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual/biromantic, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/aromantic. The plus (‘+’) includes the plethora of other sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions that are not currently captured by the LGBTQIA acronym.
Why Queer+?
We use Queer+ as an umbrella term to describe sexual and gender identities other than heterosexual and cisgender. Queer is sometimes used to express that sexuality and gender can be complicated, change over time, and might not fit neatly into either/or identities, like male or female, gay or straight.
However, we acknowledge that the word “queer” can be a pejorative term for many members of our community, and is a term with a history of hatred and pain. So, we welcome community members to use terms to describe gender and sexuality that feel most empowering for you.
I have a question, comment, or concern about your website. How can I contact you?
We are always looking to improve our website and welcome any feedback you have. Please contact our Web Team by emailing web@thesqsh.org.