SQSH’s Therapist & Healer Cohort 2023

Calling Queer-Centered Therapists, Reiki Healers, Massage Practitioners, Somatic Healers, Psychiatrists, Indigenous Healers, Yoga Trainers.... and more!
Are you interested in…
Providing healing services to SQSH's Peer Counselors to support local capacity for peer support and mutual aid
Receiving honest, anonymized client feedback in a supportive environment to learn & grow
Building community with a cohort of radical, anti-oppressive Queer St. Louisan healers and mental health practitioners
Participating in ongoing training and consciousness-raising to provide queer-centered, trauma-informed care
If you enthusiastically nodded to all of these, then apply to join STARLING: A St. Louis Queer+ Support & Healing Collective!

Cohort Responsibilities
For 1 year (May 2023-2024), you will be asked to:
Provide high-quality mental health and/or somatic healing services (paid by SQSH at your standard rates)
Reserve slots in your weekly caseload for SQSH’s Peer Counselors (at least 3-4 hours per week)
Participate in 2-4 hours of training and consciousness-raising every 10 weeks (focused on queer health & wellness)
Attend 1-hour support & coaching sessions led by a SQSH facilitator every 5 weeks
Review feedback from your SQSH clients and incorporate them into your practice

Project Background
Starling flocks move in beautiful and captivating ways. Flocks of starlings have a remarkable ability to maintain cohesion as a group in highly uncertain environments. Starlings do this by paying attention to their seven closest neighbors; when uncertainty is present, interacting with seven neighbors optimizes the balance between group cohesiveness and individual effort.
We believe that queer community healing happens in the same way – by building trusting, intimate, and safe relationships with those closest to us, while moving in tandem towards liberation. Our project aims to form a strong foundation for queer St. Louisan healing by fostering connections between peer counselors, community members, mental health professionals, and somatic healers.
We believe that:
We need to attend to individuals’ unique needs while healing within community.
We need to expand beyond White, Western modes of healing that center client-provider dynamics, and tap into collectivist, culturally-specific modes of healing.
We need to expand beyond talk-based psychotherapy, and tap into body-based approaches to healing.
We need to take a politicized approach to mental healthcare that acknowledges and combats oppressive systems.
STARLING aims to strengthen networks of care for the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community by:
reducing cost/stigma barriers to mental health and somatic healing services
creating safe channels for queer clients to provide feedback
improving the quality of LGBTQIA-affirming services in St. Louis
This Spring, we are recruiting 5-7 queer healers to join our collective. Together, we aim to create a radically healing, transformative mental wellness system for queer & trans St. Louisans, rooted in the principles of transformative justice and community care. Interested in learning more about our first ever queer healer cohort experience? Read on to learn more!

Application Details
Our vetting process is rigorous – Only 5-7 healers will be selected to participate in our cohort.
Healers who're able to demonstrate robust prior training and licensure are preferred, but provisionally licensed practitioners and those in supervision are also welcome to apply.
Applications are open from Jan 31 to Feb 28, 2023.
You may be invited to an interview round in March/April, and will be notified of your application outcome by May 2023.
Estimated Completion Time: 30mins
Interested but not ready to apply?
Sign up for reminders & updates from our newsletter!

Who Should Apply?
In general, we're looking for applicants who demonstrate:
A commitment to transformative justice, healing justice, intersectionality, and queer liberation
Openness to learning, growth and self-improvement
Humility, self-awareness, ability to respond receptively to feedback
Dedication, willingness to put in effort
Genuine interest in SQSH’s mission
Passion for supporting and uplifting the inherent power and wholeness of the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community
Empathy + Commitment to active listening and emotional support
Commitment to preserving confidentiality and anonymity when sensitive information is shared
Here’re more details on what identities, skills, knowledge, and values we look for in our final cohort:
This is a closed cohort – queer only
Folks holding multiple marginalized identities, especially Black and brown queer folks and multi-lingual practitioners, will be prioritized and centered in this cohort
Commitment to understanding mental health from a holistic and collective healing perspective
Past experience working with and building meaningful relationships with queer & trans folks
(Formal or informal) experience practicing in their field with layers of accountability and feedback (e.g. licensing, training, supervision, client feedback, etc.)
Ideal: Knowledgeable about St. Louis resources; able to connect clients to other resources to meet holistic needs
Ideal: Experience working with diverse relationship structures including non-monogamy
Expertise / Fluency with commonly used queer & trans terminology and lived experiences
Competency in responding to and healing queer & trans trauma
Awareness of oppressive systems and approaching their practice from an anti-oppressive lens
Commitment to connecting clients to larger communities and support networks, instead of fostering over-dependence on their provider
Open to learning; taking a non-defensive stance when approaching areas of ignorance
Motivated to build community with fellow cohort members and fully participate in this project
Ideal: Dedicated to the St. Louis region and committed to planting roots here
Commitment to de-hierarchizing mental health services and spaces
Belief in the inherent wholeness of queer and trans people
Belief in peer support and co-counseling as valuable, life-giving practices
Understanding of the potential tolls and strains that peer counselors face in their roles, both on and off SQSH’s Helpline
Ideal: Share radical politics around class consciousness, abolition of carceral systems, and intersectional analysis

Info Session
Join us on Feb 8, Wednesday, 5.30-7pm via Zoom to learn more about this project, ask questions about the application, and meet other queer-centered healers & therapists in St. Louis!
Our Info Session will include:
Introduction to SQSH's Team and the STARLING Project
Meet & Greet with other Queer Therapists & Healers
Overview of Application & Interview Process
Selection Criteria & Cohort Programming
Q&A + Feedback
Can't attend the Info Session? We won't be recording it to protect the anonymity and intimacy of the space... but we will send out our slides and materials afterwards!

Why Somatic Healing?
In 2022, we found that talk therapy faced limitations in facilitating long-term therapeutic outcomes for queer St. Louisans. Most psychotherapy approaches are top-down, which means they rely on humans’ most highly developed way of processing information: using cognition (thinking), which takes place in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. In top-down processing, the prefrontal cortex uses current and past information to interpret a situation and direct the body on next steps. The brain uses logic, planning, and problem-solving to make conscious decisions about what to do next and how to interpret something.
Unfortunately, for many queer St. Louisans who experienced trauma, we learned that top-down approaches alone are often inadequate to relieve their symptoms, which makes sense given how trauma affects our minds and bodies. In contrast, we learned that bottom-up processes are initiated by the body’s sensations and movements. In bottom-up processing, the input of sensory information comes from the external environment; our sensory receptors in turn let the brain know whether we are safe. These processes occur without us even being conscious of them, and the prefrontal cortex is not involved.
In short, bottom-up healing methods use the wisdom of the body’s sensations and movements to access the trauma that is held in our fascia or connective tissue. Queer St. Louisans do not have to have conscious memory of traumatic experiences to process and heal trauma using bottom-up healing approaches.
A meta-analysis demonstrating positive treatment effects of massage therapy in depressed people (Hou et al., 2010)
A study demonstrating anorexia nervosa symptoms reduced by massage therapy (Hart et al., 2010)
A meta-analysis demonstrating promising signs of yoga being an effective intervention for individuals with elevated levels of anxiety (Cramer et al., 2018)
A study indicating that Reiki therapy is useful for relieving pain, decreasing anxiety/depression and improving quality of life (Billot et al., 2019).
That is why in 2023, we hope to recruit queer-affirming holistic health providers (in fields such as massage therapy, yoga, reiki, chaplaincy, and psychiatry) beyond talk therapy!
Therapist Testimonials
Hear from past therapists who’ve benefitted from this program!
96% of therapist survey responses said that participation in this project has been Helpful or Very Helpful in improving their ability to provide queer-affirming mental healthcare.
99% of therapist survey responses said that participation in this project has been Helpful or Very Helpful in improving their confidence to serve queer clients
100% of therapist survey responses said that participation in our training has been Helpful or Very Helpful in improving their ability to provide queer-affirming mental healthcare.
Here's what therapists said about their experience:

Excited to be a part of our project that incorporates ongoing training, support, and coaching for queer-centered therapists & healers?
Client Testimonials
Hear from past clients who’ve benefitted from this program!
94% of peer counselors who responded to our client survey said that participation in this project has been Helpful or Very Helpful in supporting their mental health and well-being.
86% of peer counselors who responded to our client survey said that participation in this project has been Helpful or Very Helpful in increasing their capacity for SQSH Helpline shifts.
Here's what clients said about their experience:

Excited to be a part of our project that centers the well-being, feedback, and autonomy of queer St. Louisans?

Project Coordinator:
Luka Cai (they/them)
Communications Manager:
Amanda Im (she/her)
Peer Support Organizer:
Avi Ivaturi (they/them)